About Us

We would like to welcome you to 4thD Solar.  Our story is a pretty simple one.  For several years we have been supplying our customers with other brands of solar panels for their overlanding and camping needs.  Far too often we would have customers come back to us with great disappointment as they realized that their panels were not producing anything close to the stated output.  That is when we decided that there had to be a better solution out there.  After searching high and low one of our suppliers recommended that we contact a company out of California called Merlin Solar.  So we did and to our surprise they were very responsive to our ideas and requests on how to build a proper portable solar panel.  After about 6 months of testing and prototypes the XP160 and XP80 were born.  Their performance was beyond expectations and we have the data to prove it that the Merlin Panels are the best panels on the market.  We felt so strongly about it that we decided to start 4thD Solar in order to sell the panels directly to you.  

You might be asking yourself what does 4thD Solar stand for?  It stands for, "on the 4th Day God made two great lights, the greater light to rule the day, and the lesser light to rule the night."  We thought it would be a fitting recognition to God and where the true power of the sun really comes from.


4thD Mission

At 4thD Solar we are Engineers with a passion to supply the best solar solutions to our customers.  We create and sell products that provide you with the solar power that you need in order to accomplish your task at hand.


4thD Vision

4thD aims to disrupt the outdated solar industry by delivering worlds class solar solutions that are ultra light weight and that can withstand the rigors of harsh dynamic applications.